Questions And AnswersCHIROPRACTICWhat is chiropractic?Chiropractic is a form of health care that believes that good health and well-being are the natural disposition of the body. An essential part of good health is the proper alignment of the spine. In some cases pain is derived from the misalignment of the spine, also called subluxation. The chiropractic physician removes the cause of pain and allows the body to heal itself by correcting the subluxations of the spine. Chiropractic is non-invasive and conservative in its approach to health. It does not utilize drugs or surgery, but rather enhances the body's ability to heal itself.
ACUPUNCTUREWhat is acupuncture?Acupuncture is a 5,000 year old Chinese system of natural healing (No drugs...No surgery), which is concerned with restoring proper energy flow to the various organs, glands and tissues of the body on the premise that most diseases are the result of malfunction due to disrupted energies. Where does the disruption of energy flow occur?In either or both locations: (1) in the channels of energy flow, which are located throughout the body, just beneath the skin surface; (2) In the spinal column where vertebrae may become misaligned, thereby compressing vital nerve trunks. What are some conditions commonly treated by acupuncture?Textbook listed conditions run into the thousands. Typical ailments usually responding to acupuncture health care including: neuralgias, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, tics, spasms, muscular rheumatism, neuralgia of the shoulders and arm, tennis elbow. osteoarthritis, rheumatism, ulcers, stomach problems, diarrhea, hepatitis, asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, coughs, certain types of heart trouble, abnormal blood pressure, hemorrhoids, lumbago, bladder irritation, bed wetting, certain kidney problems, female disorders, impotence, glaucoma (sometimes), weak eyesight, hay fever, loss of smell, tonsillitis, loss of hearing, skin conditions, and even nervous or psychiatric factors based on the fact that often mental problems arise from physical disorders. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGEWhat is therapeutic massage?Therapeutic massage is an age-old remedy which has proven to be an effective complement to chiropractic care. Both are holistic in nature, and are based on belief in the innate healing power of the body. Together, chiropractic and massage facilitate the natural healing process by keeping the body in proper alignment and ensuring free flow of nerve impulses and circulation of fluids.
The therapeutic effects of massage are recognized by personal and clinical experience, and supported by scientific research. They include: