Quality Chiropractic Care for Northwest Iowa
1-877-700-OUCH(6824) or 1-712-737-OUCH (6824)

Chiropractic Is For Children Too!

Parents often ask at what age should I have my child checked by a chiropractor?  Chiropractic is for children as well as adults. Chiropractors treat subluxations. Subluxations are vertebra in the spine that have moved out of their normal position. Children are prone to subluxations from birth to adulthood. The birth process is traumatic and can cause the first subluxation. This can be seen in colicky babies, young children with earaches, ear infections and runny noses. Creeping and crawling is the next stage to help develop the normal curves of the neck and low back. As a child starts to walk and run, many bumps and falls occur causing subluxations. School age children also have subluxations caused by bicycle accidents, rough play and other accidents.
When these small incidents go without being checked the child’s spine can grow misaligned. Dr Stange would like to encourage parents to have their children checked for spinal subluxations as early as a few days after birth and then periodically as the child grows into an adult. Our office has the policy that all children age newborn to three years will receive their care at no charge. Please call our office for an appointment for your child and remember CHIROPRACTIC IS FOR CHILDREN TOO!!
Please feel free to call our office with any questions regarding your child’s chiropractic care.