Category: Hips

Hip Flexion Strengthening with a Therapy Band

Body Region: Specific Area: Exercise Type: Equipment Used:
Hips Hips Strengthening Therapy Band

These exercises should only be performed after evaluation by a qualified medical professional and under their instruction. Should you experience pain or discomfort while doing an exercise, stop immediately.

Hip Flexion Strengthening with a Therapy Band

Stand facing away from a waist-high chair or table. Secure one end of a therapy band to the floor by placing it under your right foot. Securely attach the other elastic end of the therapy band to the middle of your right thigh. Place your hands behind you on the chair or table for support.

Next, lift your right knee forward and up to a 90-degree angle, with your right thigh parallel to the floor. You'll feel the muscular contraction in the front of your right thigh. Relax and return to the starting position.